We understand that some units (and their respective faculty) are unique and would like to include more questions beyond the mandatory and optional questions provided in SPOT.
If that is the case for your unit and you would like these questions in place for the next semester, your academic leader must collect and submit all of your unit’s draft questions to the Qualtrics link provided by the Chair of the Faculty Senate Teaching and Assessment Committee. There are two established deadlines each year, December 2 to have new SPOT questions in place for Spring and summer courses and July 1 for Fall courses.
The proposed questions must be written with the following response categories: Beneficial to my learning, Neutral to my learning, Not helpful to my learning, and Not Applicable. You can also propose open-ended questions. All must be reviewed and approved by TACO.
Your academic leader will need to specify whether you want these questions to be added to every course in your unit, to your undergraduate courses only, or to your graduate courses only. These are the only options available at this time.