This micro-credential is the entry level of a three-tiered professional development pathway for WVU department chairs and school directors. The purpose of Level 1 is to provide foundational knowledge for chairs and school directors who are in their first year in the administrative role. In-person group sessions occur approximately monthly from July through April. Sessions are facilitated by the associate provost for academic personnel (Tracy Morris) and executive director for academic personnel (Chris Staples), with guest presentations from multiple members of the Office of the Provost. Participants must attend at least six of the scheduled sessions and complete written exercises to be awarded this badge.
Participants will learn how to execute the responsibilities of their role as specified under WVU’s “Department Chairs and Faculty in Other Leadership Positions: Protocols for Appointment, Assignment, and Review.” These responsibilities are clustered into seven categories (Departmental Administrative Structure and Governance; Budget and Facilities; Personnel Management; Curriculum and Program Development, Enrollment and Student Retention; Research and Outreach; Professional Development), each of which will be covered in the Chairs Academy: Skills for Administrative Leadership Level 1.
Participants will gain knowledge of the relevant policies and procedures necessary for the effective performance of their role as academic unit leaders—and what resources are available. Participants will apply the knowledge gained in each session to facilitate the successful functioning of their academic unit. Goals for each session are listed below under program elements.
Program Elements and Evaluation
In-person group sessions will run 60 minutes each. Topics and goal/purpose for each session:
Session 1: Leading as a New Chair/ Director
- Perspectives on role and responsibilities of chairs within the institutional structure. Overview of support provided through the Office of the Provost
Session 2: Faculty Hiring
- Review hiring policies and procedures; provide guidance on effective search committees; unit leader’s responsibility for developing/overseeing mentoring plans; planning for hiring requests
Session 3: Budgeting and Financial Management
- Gain understanding of the basics of WVU budget and responsibilities in managing unit finances; ethical stewardship
Session 4: Conducting Promotion, Tenure, and Performance Reviews
- Review responsibilities, procedures, and the importance of the provision of developmental feedback
Session 5: Personnel Management and Addressing Problem Behavior
- Gain understanding of tools available, DEI and Employee Relations procedures, and role as mandated reporters
Session 6: Curriculum & Program Development
- Gain understanding of responsibilities in providing oversight of curriculum, and enrollment; maintaining quality; tools; collaboration with other offices
Session 7: Moving your Unit Forward: Strategic Vision, Mission, and Monitoring of Metrics
- Discuss responsibilities for oversight of research, service, and outreach activities; strategic planning for the department/school
These seven sessions cover the core categories of responsibility under the Chair’s Protocol. Presenters will include multiple members of the Provost’s Office. Two additional sessions (open to all department chairs and school directors) may be scheduled each year that will cover timely topics of relevance.
This badge will be earned following participation in at least six sessions and complete of reflection exercises. Toward the end of their first year in the administrative role (coinciding with the completion of Level 1), a survey will be administered to faculty and staff within the unit to provide developmental feedback on the leader’s performance. The survey will include questions covering the categories addressed in the group sessions.