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Annual Program Reporting Process

Annual Reporting for BOG Program Review

Each fall, the Provost’s Office carries out an  annual program reporting process in which specific metrics are reported for all bachelor’s programs and for terminal (those that do not lead to a PhD at WVU) and non-professional master’s degree programs. 

This annual program reporting is part of the Board of Governors (BOG) program review process and will help the Provost’s Office support academic units and their faculty working towards program improvement. The goal of this primarily reflective exercise is to empower department chairs and program faculty to use data to inform curricular change and improve student success. Plans are reviewed by the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils, relevant dean's offices, and the Provost's Office. The Graduate and Undergraduate Councils review the submission of the annual reports to determine if any plans presented are untenable, identify top performing programs for recommendations for further institutional investment, as well as identify any programs whose data and response to the data are concerning enough to warrant a full, off-cycle program review.

A preview link for this reporting process is available to those who wish to see what they will be asked to provide.

Programs participating in this process will be able to address a significant portion of the "Student Enrollment, Retention, Persistence, and Graduation History" section of the BOG program review through the attachment and summary of these annual reports.

Exempt Programs

  • Programs who are submitting their five-year Board of Governors program review will not have to submit this annual report for that same academic year. 
  • Programs that do not have three full academic years of data (and thus not yet had their first full BOG program review) do not have to submit this report. 

Note: Existing programs that have new majors should still report their overall program roll-up.


Department chairs and program faculty will use EAB’s Academic Performance Solutions (APS) platform and the "Board of Governors Program Review and Annual Report" tab to report on at least two metrics each spring:

  • All programs: Five-year Trend in Program Enrollment
  • Undergraduate Programs: Program Retention: Program retention, as differentiated from institutional retention, is a measure of program-level continuance – how many students who were in the program last year and could have returned this year, did so. It is a one-to-one comparison of students from fall-to-fall and does not count students who have graduated or new enrollees to the program, regardless of where they originated.
  • Graduate Programs: Five-year Trend in Program Completion

Programs will be sorted into one of four broad categories based upon their performance relative to institutional, college, or aspirational benchmarks at their particular degree level; colleges and schools may work with the Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment to determine and set their benchmarks. 

  • Category 1: Program is performing above both benchmarks.
  • Category 2: Program is performing above enrollment benchmark and below continuance or completion benchmark.
  • Category 3: Program is performing below enrollment benchmark and above continuance or completion benchmark.
  • Category 4: Program is performing below both benchmarks.

Programs that are underperforming relative to a benchmark in one or both metrics are expected to provide a concise action plan using other metrics in APS to address questions such as:

  • Why is the program experiencing a decrease in enrollment specific to students who are new to the institution?
  • Why are so many students who aren't persisting in the program leaving for another specific program at WVU or why are those students leaving WVU altogether?
  • What courses or levels of courses (200, 300, 400, etc) serve as impediments to progression in the degree?
  • Are upper-level students (those with 60+ credits) able to graduate from the program in a timely manner?
  • What external conditions may be affecting the program?


EAB has also provided a step-by-step guide specific to WVU's reporting process.

About EAB and APS
EAB serves more than 1400 schools, colleges, and universities by providing research and technological solutions that address enrollment management, student success, and institutional operations and strategy. Data from APS have been part of the data provided to programs for their BOG program reviews. APS uses WVU's data directly from Banner and displays those data in a range of dynamic visualizations. Faculty can access APS via the Portal with their single sign on.

Institutional Contacts

Questions about the annual program reporting process can be directed to Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment at

Support for completing the report or using APS can be requested from Robynn Shannon, Director of Currciculum Development, or Darius Heffernan.

Programs interested in learning more about what JobsEQ has to offer and what the information means for their program can submit a request for a JobsEQ report and consultation.