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Faculty Data

Faculty Distribution by Rank

Shows total count and percentage of all program faculty who have taught in the program within the program review period by faculty rank.

Source: Digital Measures

Pie chart showing count and percentage of total program faculty by rank
Vertical bar chart showing count of program faculty by rank

Faculty Distribution by Tenure Status

Shows total count and percentage of all program faculty who have taught in the program within the program review period by tenure status.

Source: Digital Measures
Pie chart showing count and percentage of total program faculty by tenure status

Trends in Instructional Staff Headcount

Shows a five-year trend in the total number of program faculty by tenure status.

Source: EAB's Academic Performance Solutions platform
Four five-year trend lines for program faculty headcount by tenure status

Sections Taught by Instructor Type and Course Division

Shows the number of sections taught for the academic year by each instructor type/rank with a stacked column for each type that shows upper/lower division undergraduate courses, graduate courses, and professional courses.

Source: EAB's Academic Performance Solutions platform

Stacked bar chart showing number of sections taught at the upper and lower undergraduate levels by faculty tenure status.

Attempted Student Credit Hours Taught by Instructor Type and Course Division

Shows the total number of student credit hours (number of students in the section * number of credit hours the course is worth) taught by instructor type/rank with a stacked column for each type that shows upper/lower division undergraduate courses, graduate courses, and professional courses.

Source: EAB's Academic Performance Solutions platform

Stacked bar chart showing number of attempted student credit hours in upper and lower undergraduate courses by faculty tenure status.

Trends in Median Sections Taught

Shows a five-year trend in the median number of sections taught for the entire academic year (fall, spring, and summer) by instructor type/rank.

Source: EAB's Academic Performance Solutions platform
Line graph with 5 lines showing a 5-year trend