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Spring 2020 Removal of SEIs

Option to Remove Spring 2020 SEIs from Digital Measures

The Office of the Provost recognizes the extraordinary circumstances that faculty have faced as instructors, parents and community members during the COVD-19 pandemic and has heard the concerns about the impact these unexpected changes might have on spring semester electronic Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI).

As student evaluations remain a vital platform for students to voice their opinions about their classroom experience, the Provost’s Office will continue to require that students complete the standard SEIs for their courses for May 2020 semester. Those results will be loaded into Digital Measures as usual.

However, faculty members will be permitted to remove their Spring 2020 SEI reports from their faculty files. Likewise, faculty members can choose to include those numbers as part of their teaching portfolio for the semester. For Spring 2020, the Provost is waiving all college- and/or unit-level requirements to include Spring 2020 SEIs in annual productivity reports.

Faculty should refer to the following process:

  1. Faculty should stay focused on their students’ needs and learning outcomes throughout the remainder of the semester and final exams.
  2. SEI requests will be sent to students and completed evaluations will be loaded into Digital Measures as usual.
  3. Faculty should review the SEIs in their entirety once all evaluations are loaded into Digital Measures.
  4. After reviewing SEI results, faculty members can choose to do nothing, and those numbers will remain as part of their teaching portfolio for this semester. 
  5. If, after reviewing SEI results, a faculty member chooses to remove the Spring 2020 SEI results, the faculty member should follow these steps: 
  • At the top of every course listed in Digital Measures, there will be a checkbox on the “Scheduled Teaching” screen. This will be similar to the “Click here to EXCLUDE this from your productivity report” box that currently exists.
  • Faculty members should click this box if they want the SEIs from that specific Spring 2020 course to be removed.
  • The deadline for removal requests is June 30, 2020.
  • Digital Measures administrators will process all removal requests after the deadline and subsequently remove the checkbox.
  • If there are still issues with removal, faculty members can contact their Digital Measures administrator if the unwanted SEI information remains in the file after July 2020.\
Faculty members should be aware that if they choose to remove SEIs for a course, they still must provide evidence that documents their excellence in teaching for Spring 2020. 

Rather than relying on a standard one-dimensional metric of performance, faculty should begin thinking about how to document the creative, adaptive and innovative approaches they employed to provide students with a quality learning experience in this unprecedented situation. These may include but are not limited to reconstructed syllabi, study guides, exams, etc., to account for modifications in the teaching modality as well as sample recorded lectures, PowerPoints, messaging to and from students, etc. 

All faculty should be aware that SEIs that are removed from the faculty member’s Digital Measures files will still stay within the University SEI system. As is always the case, academic leaders have access to the SEI system.