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Emeritus Status

Emeritus Application

BOG Faculty Rule 4.2 - Appointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Dismissal for Cause

Section 10. Emeritus Status.

10.1 The University may recognize Faculty Members who have honorably served the University by awarding the individual the honorary designation of Emeritus.

10.2 Those Faculty Members whose retirement is announced and who have met the requirements of Meritorious Contributions to the University shall be considered for Emeritus status. Emeritus appointments are normally considered for Faculty Members on their retirement. The Faculty Member must normally have served the University for at least ten (10) years for such consideration.

10.3 The review of Faculty candidates begins in the departments or divisions and ends with the President. Faculty Members awarded Emeritus status retain their professional titles. In every case, the term “Emeritus” follows the rank and title.

10.4 Emeritus Faculty Members have library privileges; they have the same access as other Faculty Members to athletic events; and they enjoy privileges designated by their departments and the University. There is no salary or emolument attached to the status other than such privileges as the institution may wish to extend.

BOG Faculty Rule 4.2