Salary Enhancement for Continued Academic Achievement Application
The Board of Governors adopted a policy on the Salary Enhancement for Continued Academic Achievement in April 2005 (replaced by BOG Faculty Rule 4.4). This academic year (2024-25) is the 20th year of review for salary increases under the policy.
- To be eligible for the WVU salary enhancement program, an individual must be a fully-promoted 1.0 FTE faculty member who holds the rank of tenured Professor, tenured Extension Professor, University Librarian, Research, Teaching, or Service Professor or Clinical Professor in 2024-25, will be 1.0 FTE in 2025-26, and has served the required time in rank with the required level of performance.
- The program allows for two salary enhancement steps. Eligible for review during 2024-25 for the first salary enhancement step are those fully-promoted faculty members whose promotion or appointment to one of the above ranks took effect at the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year or earlier and who have had a workload assignment agreement in effect since at least 2019-20. Eligible for review during 2024-25 for the second salary enhancement step are those fully- promoted faculty members who were awarded the first salary enhancement step that was effective at the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year. The 2024-25 review represents the 13th review period in which second step applications will be considered. Any salary increases provided will take effect in 2025-26.
- T o be eligible for review this year, a faculty member must have had a written work assignment since at least 2019-20. Such work assignments should be developed for others who may wish to be considered in future years if these documents do not already exist.
- Ratings for the last five review years are required. Eligibility is based on ratings in those years. The program requires that normally 80% of the ratings be “good” or “excellent” for a faculty member to be eligible for a salary increase.
- A faculty member with an unsatisfactory rating in any area during the years under review is not eligible for consideration.
- In some instances, ratings may not be available from all categories. For example, for units who do not have a departmental review, only Dean and college committee review will be available. Further, many of those at the rank of Professor or the equivalent may not have recent reviews by the department committee.
- An applicant denied an increase at any level under this program must wait one full year after an increase would have taken effect before applying again for an increase. Thus, an applicant reviewed in the 2024-25 cycle who is not approved for an increase must wait until 2026-27 to reapply.
- To apply, faculty members should work with their Digital Measures Administrator to upload the previous five years of annual reviews and faculty workload plans as well as a current CV into Digital Measures by the date established by the college/school.
- The faculty member may include an optional narrative. The narrative can be uploaded to Digital Measures under Archived Reports and Documents in Other Submissions. Please select Application for Salary Enhancement on the Submission Type menu. The narrative can be uploaded in the Initial Faculty Submission box.
- The Chairperson/Director/Dean comments and determination should be uploaded into Digital Measures under Archived Reports and Documents in Other Submissions by December 10, 2024. Please select Application for Salary Enhancement on the Submission Type menu.
The review process begins with the faculty member applying for an increase. We ask that all Chairpersons provide a copy of the form to all faculty members at the covered ranks who may be eligible. Chairpersons should be prepared to work with faculty members as they complete the application.
Deans need to establish deadlines for the application process within their Colleges. A careful evaluation by the Dean of each application is an important feature of the review process.
Summary of Responsibilities
Dean’s Responsibilities
- Ensure that Chairpersons understand their responsibilities in the review process.
- Establish College/School deadlines for applications to be forwarded to the Dean.
- Review applications and forward approved applications to the Provost or Chancellor for Health Sciences by December 10, 2024. “…Faculty Members at the rank of professor or the equivalent who, at a minimum, continue to perform at or above the standard required to achieve promotion to the rank of professor or the equivalent. (BOG Faculty Rule 4.4, Section 5.1.2, stress added ).”
- Upload approved applications to Digital Measures under Archived Reports and Documents in Other Submissions by December 10, 2024. Please select Application for Salary Enhancement on the Submission Type menu.
Chairperson’s Responsibilities
- Ensure that all faculty members at eligible rank are aware of the Salary Enhancement for Continued Academic Achievement.
- As needed, work with faculty members eligible for review in 2024-25 to upload the previous five years of annual reviews and workload assignments.
- Complete the Chairperson’s comments section of the application.
- Forward all applications to Dean by College/School deadline.
- Develop written work assignments for all faculty members at the ranks covered by this program who do not already have such written assignments. Each faculty member in these ranks should have had a written assignment by the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
- Review applications and forward approved applications to the Dean by December 1, 2024. “…Faculty Members at the rank of professor or the equivalent who, at a minimum, continue to perform at or above the standard required to achieve promotion to the rank of professor or the equivalent. (BOG Faculty Rule 4.4, Section 5.1.2, stress added ).”
Faculty Member’s Responsibilities
- C omplete application, consulting with Chairperson as needed.
- In partnership with the College/School’s Digital Measures Administrator upload at a minimum, the previous five years of annual reviews and workload documents as well as a current CV.
- Run and submit a cumulative Faculty Productivity Report for the January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2024 time period.
Salary Enhancement for Continued Academic Achievement
Timing of the “Second Increase”
WVU BOG Faculty Rule 4.4, entitled “Faculty Salary Policy and Salary Enhancement for Continued Academic Achievement,” includes the following language:
Qualifying professors may “apply for a second increase, five full years after the first increase took effect”.
There have been recent inquiries about the timing of the second increase. The following information should make the timing more clear.
Can Apply
If Promoted
Raise Effective
Next Application
2nd Raise Effective
Dec. ’16
’11-’12 (or before)
Dec. ’22
Dec. ’17
’12-’13 (or before)
Dec. ’23
Dec. ’18
’13-’14 (or before)
Dec. ’24
Dec. ’19
’14-’15 (or before)
Dec. ’25
Dec. ’20
’15-’16 (or before)
Dec. ’26
Dec. ’21
’16-’17 (or before)
Dec. ’27
Dec. ’22
’17-’18 (or before)
Dec. ’28
Dec. ’23
’18-’19 (or before)
Dec. ’29
Dec. ’24
’19-'20 (or before)
Dec. ’29
Dec. ’25
’20-’21 (or before)
Dec. ’31
Dec. ’26
’21-’22 (or before)
Dec. ’32
Dec. ’27
’22-’23 (or before)
Dec. ’33
Dec. ’28
’23-’24 (or before)
Dec. ’34
Dec. ’29
’24-’25 (or before)
Dec. ’35
Dec. ’30
’25-’26 (or before)
Dec. ’36