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Workload Guidelines

In Spring 2022, the Office of the Provost approved the West Virginia University Workload Guidelines Procedures. Colleges and departments/other equivalent academic units shall also have a workload document that is approved by the dean and Provost’s Office. These guidelines ensure that faculty work is equitably distributed, evaluated and rewarded within academic units.

Each of these guidelines: 

  • Sets standard workload expectations for all faculty members and provides a rationale for the unit’s approach.
  • Identifies factors that may result in a differentiated workload assignment, as well as a general explanation as to why and how a differentiated workload may be assigned.
  • Identifies research, teaching and service equivalencies within and across the three mission areas.
  • Outlines multiple pathways for faculty in all types of positions to be successful. The department workload documents will provide greater specificity.

WVU Workload Guidelines

West Virginia University - Approved 3/8/2022 

Approved College/School Workload Guidelines

Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources  - Approved 4/26/2022
College of Creative Arts  - Approved 8/3/2022
     Reed School of Media and Communication (Reed College of Media) - Approved 6/6/2022
     School of Art and Design - Approved 5/17/2023
     School of Music - Approved 5/17/2023
     School of Theatre and Dance - Approved 6/22/2023  
College of Applied Human Sciences - Approved 11/14/2022
College of Law - Approved 11/1/2023
Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources - Approved 3/13/2025
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences  - Approved 8/2/2022
    Department of Chemistry - Approved 5/21/2024
    Department of Communication Studies - Approved 4/14/2023
    Department of Geology and Geography - Approved 2/27/2024 
    Department of Philosophy - Approved 4/19/2023
    Department of Physics and Astronomy - Approved 5/15/2023
    Department of Psychology - Approved 9/5/2023
    Multidisciplinary Studies Program - Approved 4/17/2023
    School of Social Work - Approved 4/6/2023
    Women's and Gender Studies Program - Approved 3/31/2023
Potomac State College - Approved 11/30/2022
School of Public Health - Approved 9/12/2023
WVU Extension Service  - Approved 4/26/2022
WVU Libraries  - Approved 5/22/2022

Model Workload Plans

Model - Annual Workload Plan and Evaluation Process - Approved by Faculty Senate 12/2/2024
Model - Faculty Workload Plan - Approved by Faculty Senate 12/2/2024