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Faculty Evaluations - Responses vs. Rebuttals

Faculty members may submit formal reactions to evaluations received at any level. The reactions fall into two general categories: “responses” are reactions to annual evaluations, and “rebuttals” are reactions to promotion, tenure or non-continuation recommendations. Please note that, as shown below, the timelines are different for each type of reaction.

These are described in more detail in the WVU Procedures for Faculty Appointment, Annual Faculty Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure. For reactions to departmental evaluations see Sections XIII.A.6, XIII.A.4, and XIII.A.5.


At any time after receipt of an annual evaluation, a faculty member may respond to an evaluation that does not include a recommendation regarding tenure, promotion or non-continuation. Letters from the Department Chairperson/School Director and the Faculty Evaluation Committee must advise the faculty member of their right to respond by including this language: “You may, at any time, submit a response to this evaluation to [Department Chairperson/School Director] or the Dean of the College, in accordance with Section XIII.A.6 of the WVU Procedures for Faculty Appointment, Annual Faculty Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure.”


Within five (5) working days of receipt of a recommendation, a faculty member may rebut an evaluation that includes a recommendation regarding tenure, promotion or non-continuation. Letters from the Department Chairperson/School Director and the Faculty Evaluation Committee must advise the faculty member of their right of rebuttal by including this language: “If you wish to rebut this evaluation, you may submit a rebuttal to the Dean of the College within five (5) working days of your receipt of this evaluation.”